
Any good hackathon has great workshops. Check out our schedule below to see what we have in store. If you're interested in Web Dev or Artificial Intelligence or even playing some fun games, register for our hackathon!

All workshops will be recorded, so don't worry if you can't make all of them!

Times are in PDT.

Friday, April 21

4 PM // Opening Ceremony

5 PM // Team-forming and Brainstorming

6 PM // OnlyOffice Workshop

7 PM // Web Development: Beginner

Saturday, April 22

8 AM // Web Development: Beginner (Rerun)

10 AM // App Development: Beginner

12 PM // Web Development: Intermediate

2 PM // App Development: Intermediate

4 PM // Intro to GitHub

6 PM // Game Night

Sunday, April 23

8 AM // Intro to Artificial Intelligence

10 AM // Intro to Python

2 PM // Hacks Due

3 PM // CS in High School/College Q&A

5 PM // Closing Ceremony

Register for Pyxis Hacks II

To attend our workshops, register here! All attendees will have access to recordings.