
Remember, while building a website certainly does help you gain points, you don't need a fully functioning website to win a prize! A simple framework combined with a powerful idea can win a hackathon. Also, don't forget, there are prizes for just attending workshops—scroll down to learn more!

Best Duo Hack

Get started with arduino and robotics with Goliath Automaton's Monster Kit! The winners of the Best Duo Hack will each receive one kit, which includes everything you need for your first Arduino project. Includes FIVE flagship main boards - the Arduino-compatible UNO R3, MEGA 2560, NANO V3, and the ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Development Board and the ESP8266 NodeMCU. Explore endless possibilities by sharing and learning Arduino together with friends and family. Works with PC, Mac, Linux, Android, Raspberry Pi.

Best Use of OnlyOffice

For students who want to use docs, spreadsheets, and powerpoints to build their first website, OnlyOffice is the perfect tool to integrate these formats into a project pitch. Start building that Amazon wishlist, because the best project pitch will win a $100 Amazon gift card!

The OnlyOffice workshop during our hackathon will give hackers a comprehensive look at how to incorporate OnlyOffice technologies into an effective hack. The winning team can be of any size.

Attendance Prizes

Attending workshops is a huge part of the hackathon experience. Even if you don't submit a project, there is an opportunity for you to win prizes. Attendees with the highest participant points will win the following prizes! (Ties will be settled with a raffle. Participant points can be won by attending workshops, submitting a project, and referring others to the hackathon.)

$45 Des-Store Swag Pack

For the attendee with the best attendance, a swag pack including fuzzy socks, a water bottle, a tote bag, and Desmos-themed stickers!

$25 Art of Problem Solving Credit

Coupon can be used to purchase both classes and books from AoPS's website. Get an edge in competitive mathematics competitions and learn math beyond the average school level!