Pyxis Hacks II

April 21-23, 2023

A Hackathon for Middle School Students

What is a Hackathon?

A hackathon is a 48-hour coding competition, in which participants race to come up with a technology-based solution to a real-world problem.

Don't know how to code? No problem! At Pyxis Hacks, workshops taught attendees everything they needed to know to make an interactive website or app. Hackathons test creativity and dedication. You come up with an idea, and we give you the tools and mentorship to bring it to life.



At Pyxis Hacks, workshops covered the basics of web and iOS app development, along with other coding languages such as Java and Python. With this set of technical workshops, attendees with low coding experience were able to create interactive websites by the end of the hackathon.

Furthermore, our Intro to Robotics and Biotechnology workshops gave attendees a first look into exciting fields. In these workshops, mentors discussed how coding is applied in the real world, as well as different ways for attendees to get involved in long-term extracurriculars.

See Our Winners

Best OnlyOffice Hack: The Art Corner: All Things Art, by Sera John

Best Duo Hack: Quizard, by Dhruv Saini and Tara Saini

World's Best Participant: Vivaan Srivastava

Top Participant Awards: Sera John, Khant Hpone Lwin, Suprathik Raghavapurapu, and Ishan Karmakar

About Us

Hackathons are rarely offered to younger students—they are usually aimed at high school and college students. We hope to inspire a love for hackathons for students who may not have had the chance to compete in one yet, and we want  and prepare younger students for the experience of high school hackathons. Pyxis Hacks was our first hackathon, and we were impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication of our attendees. We are planning to host another hackathon in February or March 2023—click the button below to be notified!

Register for Pyxis Hacks II

Want to participate in our next hackathon? Register now!